Celebration of Spring

I guess the story of spring must well be started with flowers blooming, birds chirping and not to forget the return of swans. Or that is how i imagine it would be, definitely a welcoming sights especially for whom living in harsh winter condition. The hardship is over and it’s time for a new start, kinda like nature reboot it’s self after a full year of toiling. A celebration of life as some would call it.

Also to answer the challenge from fellow blogger (Mr Ryan), have done this painting based on the picture posted at his site http://asmalltowndad.wordpress.com/2010/03/08/springtime-challenge/

Hope you enjoy this painting.

32 Responses to “Celebration of Spring”

  1. Francis, your painting is amazing!! I love that you even captured the fuzz on the little pods! Beautiful! πŸ™‚

  2. Just beautiful!!!!! πŸ™‚
    I love it!!!
    10X for sharing it,my dear friend!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰
    It’s a pleasure for me to visit your blog!!! πŸ™‚

    Enjoy the moment!!! πŸ™‚

  3. asmalltowndad Says:

    My goodness Francis, this is beautiful!
    You have a way of capturing light and the detail is wonderful. I am so glad that you and others joined in on my fun! Thank you again and this is wonderful!

  4. The light in this is absolutely fantastic, Francis! You made everything glow with it! I like what you wrote about spring and the renewal of life. πŸ™‚

  5. Francis, I really love your version of Ryan’s poppies. The glowing light from the top is wonderful. I can feel the sun shining through. The flowers and pods are beautifully rendered. Wonderful job on the challenge.

  6. Wow I love how you’ve capture the light. The piece looks very dream like. Lovely πŸ™‚

  7. I love how you captured the light in the sky as well as the highlights on the buds. I can feel the warmth of the sun.

  8. breetsuts Says:

    I LOVE the ethereal feel of this piece. Beautiful interpretation!

  9. Today is a day to comment on poppies :)! Yours are delightful! And fuzzy! I love how the light and fuzziness in your painting create a whispery feeling together.

  10. absurdoldbird Says:

    Wow! This is very nice – love the flow to it!

  11. Just love the light coming thru these poppies. What a beautiful painting for the challenge
    peace n abundance

  12. Love the feeling of spring and the lighting is wonderful

  13. I am in awe of so much of your work, and I am just blown away by this. It’s so great!

  14. The light filled center was a very attractive and appropriate addition to the photograph. It added additional spiritual depth. Beautiful painting. I really like the color scheme.

  15. jaybastian Says:

    Lovely work Francis! I am pulled into your painting and filled with calm as I look at it. There is a nice illusion of sunlight too.

  16. Wow! I am speechless this is a great work of art…thanks for sharing.

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